
Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Storyteller

Tear Teaser :
Act 1
Scene 1 - Day / outside /Zimbato’s Pizzeria
Julian Zimbato, an aspiring writer, who is also the owner of Zimbato‟s Pizzeria has for months now been searching for inspiration, for a story to tell. And as the old cliché goes, "be careful what you wish for." Julian‟s motivator was not what he ever expected.
It was a sunny warm morning in the city of Philadelphia and the bustle of pedestrians consume the sidewalk on South Street, as well in front of Zimbato‟s Pizzeria. Inside, Julian is in the kitchen preparing a batch of dough. Between the hum of a industrial sized mixer and the clanging of soda bottles by a delivery driver, a faint knock comes to the front door. Julian peeks his head from around a wall, nods and smiles at his early morning visitor. He then checks his watch. It‟s only nine-thirty a.m. The pizzeria does not open until eleven am. He wipes his hands and walks towards the front door.
Mysteriously one month ago, this blond, deep blue eyed, beautiful, young Russian woman came into Julian‟s life. She had similarly come to the door of his restaurant hoping to get a bite to eat. Because of her odd hours at work this was her dinner time. Julian did not see any harm. It is the city after all. People work all sorts of odd hours, so he invited in the unknown woman. She has been coming back once a week for her bite to eat and is about to share something with Julian

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